Wednesday 13 January 2016

Halloumi & Carrot Fritters

Halloumi is one of our favourite cheeses, it works so well in these fritters. YOU MUST TRY!

Makes (12):
* 2 x carrots
* 2 spring onions
* 130g halloumi
* 1 tbsp smoked paprika
* 1 1/2 tbsp plain flour
* 1 egg
* vegetable oil

Grate the carrot and halloumi and pop them in a bowl. Mix together and then add the spring onions and mix again. Once all mixed through, Add the flour and 1tsp of paprika and mix in. Beat an egg and then add this to the mixture and stir until all the mixture is coated.

Pick up a small handful of the mixture and shape into a patty shape. Place on a board while you form the rest of the fritters and pop in the fridge for around 30 minutes to help them stay in shape.

Then add some vegetable oil into a frying pan for a shallow fry. Once the oil is hot, add the fritters and fry on each side for a few minutes each. If your pan isn’t big enough to fry them all at once, pop them on a plate in the oven so they stay nice and warm :)


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