Wednesday 27 April 2016

Ultimate Egg Mayonnaise Sandwich

Ingredients (serves 1):
* 2 large eggs
* small handful of finely diced chorizo
* 3 slices of wholemeal bread
* iceberg lettuce
* 1 tbsp mayonnaise
* 1/2 tsp dijon mustard
* pepper

Bring a small saucepan of water to the boil, and gently drop in two eggs. Leave in the boiling water for 8 minutes. During this time, butter the bread with lettuce on top and fry off the chorizo until crispy.

After 8 minutes drain off the boiled water, and cover the eggs with cold water keeping them in saucepan. Peel off the egg's outer shell and smash in a separate boil.

Add the mayonnaise, cirpsy chorizo, dijon mustard and generous amount of pepper. Give this all a big mix and spread over the buttered bread.


Wednesday 20 April 2016

Chewy Oatmeal & Raisin Cookies

We love baking cookies, and this healthier option is great!

Ingredients (Makes 12):
* 100g oats 
* 100g whole wheat flour
* 1 ½ tsp baking powder
* 1 ½ tsp ground cinnamon
* pinch of salt
* 3 tbsp coconut oil
* 1 large egg, room temperature
* 1 tsp vanilla extract
* 10 tbsp runny honey
* 40g raisins


Whisk together the oats, flour, baking powder, cinnamon, and salt in a medium bowl. In a separate bowl, whisk together the coconut oil, egg, and vanilla. Stir in the honey. Combine with the dry mix, stirring just until incorporated. Throw in the raisins. Chill for 30 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 160°c, and line a baking tray.

Mould the cookie dough into 12 balls onto the prepared baking tray, and flatten slightly. Bake at 160°c for 11-15 minutes. Cool for 10 minutes before leaving them out onto a wire rack.



Wednesday 13 April 2016

Lean Spagehtti Bolognese

A great after work meal, packed full of flavour. And quite lean.

Ingredients (serves 2):
* 250g lean beef mince,  (less than 5% fat). Turkey mince is better
* wholemeal spaghetti
* 400g chopped tomatoes
* 150g button mushrooms
* medium carrot
* small red onion
* 1 garlic clove
* 2 tbsp soy sauce
* 1 tbsp oregano
* 1 tsp ground cumin
* coconut oil
* salt + pepper

Sweat the finely diced red onion in the pan. Add in your mushrooms into the mix with crushed garlic. Stir all together until moisture is extracted.

Chuck in the grated carrot and give another mix. Once everything starts to give off extra moisture add your minced beef or turkey mince. Cook the mince until nice and golden brown.

Add your chopped tomatoes, with oregano, soy sauce, ground cumin, salt and pepper. One more mix through and leave to simmer for 20-30 mins. Longer the better, for maximum flavour.

Serve immediately once the spaghetti is cooked. We used wholemeal to keep with the the healthier theme.



Wednesday 6 April 2016

Prawn Singapore Noodles

You can definitely make this in 15 minutes, so the perfect midweek meal :)

Ingredients (serves 2):
* 180g raw king prawns
* 300g singapore noodles
* 2 garlic cloves
* 300g mixed vegetables (peppers, carrots, onions, bean sprouts etc)
* 1 tbsp curry powder
* 3 tbsp water
* 1 tsp dried coriander
* 1 tsp chilli flakes
* 2 tbsp soy sauce
salt and pepper
" 1 tbsp vegetable oil

Crush the garlic and fry off in a wok with vegetable oil. Add the king prawns just before the garlic turns brown. Keep frying together with the prawns until their turn pink. Take off the heat and leave in a bowl for later.

Throw the mixed vegetables into the wok,  and once the veg starts to soften chuck in the noodles and remember to keep mixing it all together.

Stir the water and curry powder together and add into the mix. Return the king prawns and heat them through.

Finish with coriander, chilli flakes, soy sauce and seasoning. Give them all a good mix and serve immediately.
