Wednesday 13 April 2016

Lean Spagehtti Bolognese

A great after work meal, packed full of flavour. And quite lean.

Ingredients (serves 2):
* 250g lean beef mince,  (less than 5% fat). Turkey mince is better
* wholemeal spaghetti
* 400g chopped tomatoes
* 150g button mushrooms
* medium carrot
* small red onion
* 1 garlic clove
* 2 tbsp soy sauce
* 1 tbsp oregano
* 1 tsp ground cumin
* coconut oil
* salt + pepper

Sweat the finely diced red onion in the pan. Add in your mushrooms into the mix with crushed garlic. Stir all together until moisture is extracted.

Chuck in the grated carrot and give another mix. Once everything starts to give off extra moisture add your minced beef or turkey mince. Cook the mince until nice and golden brown.

Add your chopped tomatoes, with oregano, soy sauce, ground cumin, salt and pepper. One more mix through and leave to simmer for 20-30 mins. Longer the better, for maximum flavour.

Serve immediately once the spaghetti is cooked. We used wholemeal to keep with the the healthier theme.



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