Wednesday 15 July 2015

Individual Strawberry + Apple Crumbles

Ingredients (Makes 2):
For the top:

* 80g plain flour
* 55g unsalted butter
* 40g golden caster sugar
* pinch of salt
* 1 tbsp vanilla extract

For the filling:
* 1 medium cooking apple
* 2 handfuls of strawberries
* 25g golden caster sugar
* 1 tbsp vanilla extract
* 1 tsp ground cinnamon
* juice of half a lemon


Peel and slice the cooking apple into chunks. Add to a saucepan and stir over the heat to soften. Add the golden caster sugar, lemon juice, cinnamon and vanilla extract to the saucepan and mix together.

While the apple is softening, add the flour, butter, sugar, vanilla extract and salt to a bowl to make the crumble topping. Mix this together with your fingers to create a breadcrumb effect. Do this until all is mixed together.

Wash and chop your strawberries and add to the saucepan once the apple is soft. Stir together until the fruit is soft and the sauce is thicker. Add half of the mixture to each ramekin. Top with the crumble topping and pop into the over for 30 minutes at 180c. (you might want to pop the crumbles on a baking tray - it can get messy!!)

Your crumble will be ready when the top is golden. Serve with cream, ice cream or creme fraiche. (We chose the latter!)


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