Monday 13 July 2015

Homemade Oat Milk

The other week, Matthew watched a video from The Happy Pear, where they made a simple oat milk chocolate shake. We were amazed at how easy oat milk is to make, and were inspired to make our own.

Our batch was just 1 part standard oats (we bought a bag of porridge oats for £1) and 3 parts water, and then a heaped tablespoon of honey to give an added sweetness. The Happy Pear suggested to leave it over night, which we did, and like they said it made it taste extra sweet. After the overnight soak, we simply blended the mixture together and sieved through into a separate bowl.

Overnight it does separate, but blending a good shake sorts that

blending / sieving the oats / the left over result
We were so surprised at how great this tasted, it was so sweet. Basically tasted like soya milk, and more surprisingly quite thick. The perfect milk to go into a smoothie, so most mornings we've been making our Breakfast Smoothie.

This one batch, made about 6 smoothies between us, which is amazing, considering how cheap and easy it was to make. We'll definitely be making this more often!

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