Tuesday 28 July 2015

We made sausage rolls

Last week Scoff released a video on their channel with Richard Burr (last years Great British Bake Off finalist) where he shared his recipe for homemade sausage rolls. You can watch the recipe here.

Straight away we loved the sound of these, they looked really simple to make. The next weekend, we were heading to a 1st birthday party, and thought it would be the perfect opportunity to try them out.

Matthew made them, and they turned out brilliantly. We were missing harissa paste, but we attempted to make our own into the mix with dried coriander, garlic and a little extra chilli flakes (forgetting to add some balsamic vinegar). After the baking they were a little spicy, it was quite a nice edge to them. But that's what you get with homemade creations, something unique.

Some behind the scenes
At the party everyone loved them, even after we explained they could be a little spicy, no one had complaints. Just lots of compliments. A total winner! We will definitely make these again.

It seems sausage rolls are a big thing at the moment in the food world, noticing the lads over at Sortedfood making them own gourmet version, and the big man Jamie Oliver had a batch in an issue of Time Out.

If you want to try out the batch we made then watch the recipe on Scoff that we mentioned earlier. Click here.

Sortedfood's Gourmet Sausage Rolls

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