Wednesday 23 December 2015

Perfect Yorkshire Puddings

Always good to remember this recipe, perfect for the upcoming christmas dinner :)

Ingredients (Makes 6 large puds):
* 2 eggs
* 70g flour
* 100ml milk
* vegetable oil


Preheat your oven. Pop the eggs in a bowl and whisk up. Once you've done this, add the milk and whisk until smooth and fully combined. Then add the flour, and whisk up again until its the consistency of single cream. Leave the batter to sit for 10 minutes.

While you're waiting, place around 1cm of vegetable oil in six of your muffin tray holes. Pop in the oven for around 10 minutes (keep an eye on this as oil can catch!) and remove from the oven when the oil is hot. Ladle your batter in on top of the hot oil, you want to see it sizzle each time so act fast! Pop your tray back in the oven for 15 minutes until golden and crisp. p.s. don't be tempted to open your oven door as they won't be as good!!



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