Wednesday 26 August 2015

Skinny Thai Meatballs

Ingredients (serves 2):

* 225g turkey mince
* 400 ml coconut milk
* 1/2 white onion
* 2 tbsp curry powder
* 2 tbsp dried coriander
* 1 tsp chilli flakes
* 1 tbsp fish sauce
* handful of green beans
* 1 cal spray
* Olive oil

Unwrap the turkey mince and put it in a bowl. Add a tbsp of curry powder and a tbsp of dried coriander and mash the mince together. Mould this into your meatballs.

Dice an onion, add some olive oil to a pan and begin to fry. Once the onion has browned, add the coconut milk. Lower the heat, and add 1 tbsp curry powder, 1 tbsp fish sauce and a sprinkling of chilli flakes. Stir regularly.

Spray some 1 cal spray into a hot frying pan and carefully place the meatballs into the pan. Keep the meatballs moving so they brown all over and keep their shape! While the meatballs are cooking, add the green beans to the sauce.

Once the meatballs have cooked through, add the sauce to the pan, stir together and simmer for a few minutes. Sprinkle with coriander before serving.


Friday 21 August 2015


So earlier this week we were added to the Food Tag, thanks to Lopè Ariyo for tagging us. You can watch her video HERE. As you know, we don't talk to camera in our videos, therefore we decided answer the questions on our blog. The answers are below, and who we tag next for where the Food Tag will go onto. The questions were good fun!

The Questions
1. Are you a foodie who loves to cook and eat or a foodie who just loves to eat.
Matthew: I do love cooking, my favourite is a good roast dinner on a Sunday. But of course you can't beat a date night at a nice restaurant :)
Lauren: I like to cook but I do prefer the eating! It's really satisfying to eat and enjoy something you've made yourself!

2. Three ingredients you can't live without
M: Wow this is tough, trying to think of a meal with only three ingredients. Probably, pasta, tomatoes and cheese. I was a student, and it's a good start to any meal :)
L: Eggs, avocado and chocolate (although not together!)

3. If you could travel anywhere in the world to eat one particular dish, where would it be?
M: Not a particular dish, but I would love to travel around Italy trying out their cuisine, I LOVE the Italian food. The dishes come our looking so simple, but the flavours can be so good!
L: This is tough! It'd be a toss up between India and USA...I'd love to travel around India to try out some really authentic food but I'm also a sucker for a supersize burger and a milkshake! 

4. If you could cook & dine with anyone in the world, who would it be?
M: I think it would have to be James Hetfield (Metallica lead singer). That man is a legend, I bet he would have some amazing stories to tell!
L: Probably an obvious choice but Stephen Hawking! It would be awesome to hear more about his life and he's got such a good sense of humour too - he'd be a perfect dinner guest!

5. Favourite food related book/movie?
M: The brain dish from Hannibal...only kidding! I would say The Breakfast Club. It's food related in the title, no particular stand out food in the film. But it's still a great movie :)
L: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs....just IMAGINE if that film was real! 

6. What is your guilty pleasure?
M: Haha, at college I used to always have super noodles on toast, and I still love it now!
L: Spooning Nutella from the jar...

We Tag
Caroline Artiss - Matthew has worked with her before, a great Malaysian Chef,,and just a lovely lady! :)

Warren Nash - A fellow brit, who makes lovely dishes. He gets some great shots of his food.

Bubble Child - We stumbled across her a while back, makes great gluten and dairy free. Plus her videos have a great style.

The Vegetarian Baker - He subscribed to us the other week, makes great bakes aimed at vegetarians.

Barry Lewis - May have heard of him already, we love his recipe videos, good fun. Especially the one's he includes his kids with, Lauren loves those!

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Sunday Roast Dinner (Chicken)

Ingredients (serves 2):
* 1 whole chicken (We only ate half - think of the yummy leftovers!)
* 1 large potato
* 1 carrot
* 1 broccoli
* 1 cauliflower
* 2 parsnips
* Gravy granules
* 1 lemon
* Olive oil
* Rosemary

Preheat your oven to 250c. Peel your carrot, potato and parsnips and dice up ready to cook. Pop the peel in the bottom of a roasting dish. Place your chicken on top, put a lemon inside (this makes it taste so good!) and drizzle a bit of olive oil on the top. Season with a little salt and pop in the oven for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, the chicken should have begun to brown on top. Take it out of the oven, add a good sprinkling of rosemary on top and a little more olive oil. Lower the temperature to 200c before popping the chicken back in the oven for an hour.

You can now start on making your roast potatoes. Add the diced potatoes into a pan of water with a pinch of salt, and bring to the boil. Boil for around 10 minutes, before draining and oiling them up to go in the oven!  These will take 35-40 minutes to cook.

Once your potatoes are in the oven, it's time to prepare the parsnips! Add these to a pan of water and bring to the boil. Boil for 5 minutes, and drain them. Take the tray of potatoes out of the oven and add the parsnips to them. Pop back in the oven for 20-25 minutes while you prepare the veg!

Take your chopped broccoli, cauliflower and carrots and place them in a pan of water. Bring them to the boil and boil for 5 minutes. Drain them and then add them to the tray of potatoes and parsnips and place back in the oven for 15 minutes.

Once your chicken is ready, carve up the meat and use the juices in the tray to add flavour to the gravy. Make a batch of gravy using the gravy granules and boiling water and mix together in a pan. Add the juices and trimmings to the pan and simmer for a few minutes. Use a sieve to separate the trimmings from the gravy.

Once all your veggies are ready, serve up your roast chicken dinner with a generous helping of gravy!


Wednesday 12 August 2015

Weekend Brunch

* Ciabatta
* 1 avocado
* 2 eggs
* Chorizo
* Closed cup mushrooms
* Butter (for ciabatta)
* Salt and pepper

Chop up your chorizo and mushrooms and pop them in a pan on a medium heat. Slice your ciabatta in half and toast while the chorizo and mushrooms are cooking.

Take your avocado and slice up the inside. Pop it all into a bowl and mash with a fork, ready to pop onto the toasted ciabatta.

Now to poach the egg! Crack an egg into a ramekin. Bring a pan of water to a simmer, make a whirlpool and pop the egg in. Leave to poach for 3 minutes before removing from the pan and popping onto a plate with kitchen towel to soak up the any water on the egg.

Butter the ciabatta, pop some of the mashed avocado on top of the bread. Add the chorizo and rooms and top with a poached egg. Season with a little salt and pepper.


Friday 7 August 2015

Happy 1st Birthday

Today is our 1st Birthday on YouTube, and we just wanted to write a quick message to say a big thank you to everyone who has subscribed, watched, commented on, shared and liked our recipe videos.  Not to mention followed, liked and Plus 1'd us on all the social networks. We started this channel as a bit of fun to show off the new recipes we learn on the way from living in our first home together in London :)

Over the year, we've gained 250+ subscribers, and in total over 10K views, which is amazing! We couldn't appreciate it more. Also, most recently we have become a part of the Videojug Network, so good times ahead :)

So going back, here is our first video we uploaded. Which was actually taken from Mattthew's YouTube channel when he used to vlog during his time at university. He's still a little embarrassed about those, so we don't share them. But if you search enough through YouTube you could probably find them.  Think we've come along way since this first video! Also, quite fitting that our first video is how to make cupcakes :)

We look forward to making more recipes, and hope to find you in the comment section! Here's to another year. CHEERS!


Wednesday 5 August 2015

The perfect cafetiere coffee

Ingredients (makes 2)
* 4 1/2 tsp ground coffee
* 200 ml
* 375ml boiled water

Add the ground coffee to the cafetiere (4.5 tsp for a small cafetiere, 9 tsp for a medium cafetiere). Boil the kettle, and once cooled for a minute, fill the cafetiere. Stir well and pop on the lid.

After 2 minutes, give the coffee another good stir. Pop the lid back on and wait another 2 minutes. While you're waiting, warm up some milk (in a microwave is quickest but you can do this over the hob too) to add to your coffee.

Once the 2 minutes is up, scoop off any coffee grounds sitting on top of the water and plunge. Grab your favourite mug, add the warm milk first, and then pour in your coffee.

We used Pact Coffee for the ground coffee, it's delicious!
