Friday 7 August 2015

Happy 1st Birthday

Today is our 1st Birthday on YouTube, and we just wanted to write a quick message to say a big thank you to everyone who has subscribed, watched, commented on, shared and liked our recipe videos.  Not to mention followed, liked and Plus 1'd us on all the social networks. We started this channel as a bit of fun to show off the new recipes we learn on the way from living in our first home together in London :)

Over the year, we've gained 250+ subscribers, and in total over 10K views, which is amazing! We couldn't appreciate it more. Also, most recently we have become a part of the Videojug Network, so good times ahead :)

So going back, here is our first video we uploaded. Which was actually taken from Mattthew's YouTube channel when he used to vlog during his time at university. He's still a little embarrassed about those, so we don't share them. But if you search enough through YouTube you could probably find them.  Think we've come along way since this first video! Also, quite fitting that our first video is how to make cupcakes :)

We look forward to making more recipes, and hope to find you in the comment section! Here's to another year. CHEERS!


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