Wednesday 26 August 2015

Skinny Thai Meatballs

Ingredients (serves 2):

* 225g turkey mince
* 400 ml coconut milk
* 1/2 white onion
* 2 tbsp curry powder
* 2 tbsp dried coriander
* 1 tsp chilli flakes
* 1 tbsp fish sauce
* handful of green beans
* 1 cal spray
* Olive oil

Unwrap the turkey mince and put it in a bowl. Add a tbsp of curry powder and a tbsp of dried coriander and mash the mince together. Mould this into your meatballs.

Dice an onion, add some olive oil to a pan and begin to fry. Once the onion has browned, add the coconut milk. Lower the heat, and add 1 tbsp curry powder, 1 tbsp fish sauce and a sprinkling of chilli flakes. Stir regularly.

Spray some 1 cal spray into a hot frying pan and carefully place the meatballs into the pan. Keep the meatballs moving so they brown all over and keep their shape! While the meatballs are cooking, add the green beans to the sauce.

Once the meatballs have cooked through, add the sauce to the pan, stir together and simmer for a few minutes. Sprinkle with coriander before serving.


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