Thursday 15 October 2015

Healthy Cheesecake

A fun way to enjoy breakfast, pretending you are being naughty!

Ingredients (Makes 2):
* 2 x ryvitas
* 2 tbsp flaxseed
* 2 tbsp honey
* small handful of unsalted peanuts
* 8 tbsp natural yoghurt
* 1 tsp chia seeds
* 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
* 75g raspberries

Let’s start with the base! Pop two ryvita (or rye crackers) in a food processor and add the flax seeds, nuts (we used peanuts) and honey. Pulse until it begins to look like the biscuit base of a cheesecake. Spoon out into the jar and pat down lightly to create the base.

To create the creamy middle, add natural yoghurt into a bowl and add the chia seeds. Mix together and leave for a couple of minutes to allow the chia to absorb the yoghurt to make it a little thicker. Then add a little bit of vanilla extract and mix through until evenly distributed.

Now for the fruit topping! We chose raspberries but you could choose anything you like – smash these up in a bowl and then pop on top of your ‘cheesecake’.  Place in the fridge to chill, then enjoy!


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