Thursday 8 October 2015

Quick, Hearty Chorizo & Veg Stew

A great quick midweek meal for after work :) 

Ingredients (serves 2):
* 1 xRed Onion
* Chorizo
* 300g mixed beans
* 1 x portobello mushroom
* 390g chopped tomatoes
* 1 whole tomato
* 1 medium carrot
* 1 yellow pepper
* 1 tbsp paprika
* 1 tbsp basil
* 1 tsp chili flakes
* salt and pepper
* 70g flour
* 15ml water

Chop up all your ingredients. Add the red onion to a hot pan to soften and then add the chorizo and carrot. Then add the pepper, mushroom and tomatoes. Drain your tinned beans and add them to the mix, followed by the chopped tomatoes. Add chilli flakes, basil and paprika to taste, followed by a little salt and pepper.

Leave to simmer on the hob while you make your flatbread. Place the flour and water in a food processor and mix until it forms a big ball. Roll out the dough so it's flat and heat up a griddle pan. place the flatbread in the pan, and flip over once it looks cooked on the underneath.

Once the flatbread is cooked, your stew will be ready! Serve together and enjoy.


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