Wednesday 30 September 2015

Homemade Turkey Mince Lasagne

Using Turkey Mince in this dish you can reduce your fat intake. Still tastes amazing for comfort food :)

Ingredients (serves 4):
* 500g turkey mince
* 1 white onion
* 1 red pepper
* 1 carrot
* handful of green beans
* 390g chopped tomatoes
* 1 tbsp american mustard
* 1 tbsp paprika
* 1 tbsp dried coriander
* 1 tbsp tomato puree
* 1/2 tsp chilli flakes
* salt and pepper
* lasagne sheets

Cheese Sauce:
* 40g flour
* 40g butter
* 200ml milk
* 200g cheese
* 1/2 tsp nutmeg
* 1/2 tsp dijon mustard

Chop the onion and pop into a frying pan until softened. Then add the mince and keep stirring to ensure it all gets cooked. Then add the carrots, pepper and green beans. (Once all cooked, you may want to drain any fat from the mince away!) Now add the chopped tomatoes, the chilli flakes, paprika, american mustard and coriander and leave to simmer while you make up the cheese sauce and preheat the oven.

Preheat the oven to 200c. Pop the butter in a pan and melt slightly, then add the flour and mix together until it forms a paste-like consistency. Then add the milk and stir on a low heat until it begins to thicken - this could take up to 10 mins. Add nutmeg and dijon mustard to the mixture. Once thick, add 150g of the cheese to the pan and mix through until melted.

You can now begin to construct your lasagne. Add one layer of the meat mixture to a oven dish, then a layer of lasagne sheets and then a layer of the cheese sauce. Repeat the layers and sprinkle the remaining 50g cheese on top. Place in the oven for 30-40 minutes and enjoy!


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