Wednesday 9 March 2016

Beef & Broccoli Stir Fry

A great quick and easy midweek meal!

Ingredients (serves 2):
* 250g diced beef
* 1 small broccoli
* 4 spring onions
* 1 egg (whites)
* 1 tbsp plain flour
* 2 tbsp dark soy sauce
* 1 tbsp agave nectar
* 1 tbsp sesame seeds
* brown rice
* vegetable oil

Pop the brown rice in boiling water so it will be ready once the beef and broccoli is finished!

Chop up the broccoli into florets and steam them for around 10-15 mins. Crack an egg into a bowl, remove the yolk and mix in with the flour. Use this mixture to coat the beef. To make the sauce, add soy sauce, agave nectar (or honey if you prefer) and sesame seeds in a bowl and mix up together.

Once the wok is heated,  add some vegetable oil and chuck the beef in. Once the beef is browned, pop the wok onto a lower heat and add in some chopped spring onions and the soy/agave sauce. Add in the steamed broccoli and fry for a few minutes.

The rice should now be ready! Serve the beef and broccoli stir fry on a bed of brown rice, with some extra soy sauce on top!

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