Wednesday 2 March 2016

Mighty Meatzza (meat base pizza!!) #comfortfood

Can't decide on a burger or pizza, why not combine the two ;)

Ingredients (serves 4):
* 250ml passata
* 1 garlic clove
* 1 small white onion
* 1 tbsp dried basil
* 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
* dash of worcester sauce

Base and toppings
* 500g 5% fat beef mince
* 1 egg
* 1 tbsp dried oregano
* 1 tbsp paprika
* 2 mushrooms
* 1/2 red & yellow pepper
* 1 tbsp dried basil
* mature cheddar
* mozzarella

To make the sauce, chop up an onion and pop in a frying pan with a little oil. Fry until the onion is softened and then add the passata and crushed garlic. Stir together and add the rest of the sauce ingredients. Leave to simmer while you make your meat base.

Preheat the oven at 175c. Pop the mince and egg in a bowl and mix together. Season with oregano, paprika, salt and pepper and mix through again. Grab a springform tin and spread the mince out evenly across the bottom. Once this is even and compressed, pop in the oven for 10 minutes. While this is in the oven, chop up the mushrooms, peppers and prepare the cheese.

Take the base out of the oven (and pat the top if a little bloody). Spread the sauce on the top, followed by mozzarella, mushrooms and peppers. Add a little grated cheese and dried basil on top and place back in the oven at 200c for 25 minutes.


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