Wednesday 25 November 2015

Homemade Chicken Chili

This one was delicious, Lauren reckoned it tasted like chicken fajitas :)

Ingredients (serves 2):
* 2 chicken breasts
* Olive oil
* 1 onion
* 2 cloves of garlic
* 1 green chili
* 1 tin butterbeans
* 500ml chicken stock
* 1 tsp dried cumin
* 1 tsp dried oregano
* ½ tsp chili flakes
* ½ handful of fresh coriander

Bring a pan of water to the boil and place your chicken breasts in there to cook – this will help them stay tender and be easier to shred! Leave them in there to cook for 15 minutes, then remove from the pan and shred!

While your chicken is cooking in the pan, chop your onion and crush your garlic and pop them in your casserole pot with a drizzle of olive oil. Once they’ve softened, add the green chili and give it a good stir. Take a small cup of the butterbeans and place in a blender with 100ml of the chicken stock. This will help the chili become thicker more quickly. Add the stock, the butterbeans and the bean and stock mixture to the pan and stir well. Pop the chicken in the pan, mix through and place the lid on top. Leave for 10 minutes and then add the chopped coriander to the simmering pan.

Cook until the chili is at your desired thickness and enjoy with rice.


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