Wednesday 27 May 2015

Chocolate Chip Shortbread

* 200g unsalted butter
* 100g caster sugar
* 220g plain flour
* Chocolate chips/chocolate pieces


Preheat the oven to 160 degrees.

Pop the caster sugar and unsalted butter in a bowl and mix together until creamy. Add the flour and mix until well blended. When the mixture becomes difficult to mix, mould it together with your hands to make a ball.

Add your chocolate to the dough and mix it in. Roll out your dough on a floured surface and use your cookie cutter to cut out your biscuits.

Place the dough on a lined baking tray, leaving space between each for them to spread. Bake for around 20 minutes, or until slightly golden around the edges - the biscuits will harden once cooled!


Recipe adapted from Olivia's Shortbread recipe :

#TaDah !

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