Wednesday 27 May 2015

Macaroni Cheese

Ingredients (serves 2):
* 25g butter
* 25g flour
* 375ml milk
* Nutmeg
* 3 rashers of bacon
* Chorizo
* 200g macaroni
* 100g cheese
* 1 slice of bread


Melt the butter in a saucepan over a medium heat. Add the flour and mix together and then gradually add the milk, continuously stirring. After 5 minutes, add some nutmeg and seasoning and continue to stir on the heat until the sauce becomes thick.

While you are making the sauce, dice the bacon and chorizo and fry it together. Add boiling water to a pan and add the macaroni and a little salt.

Once the macaroni is cooked, drain it and add to an oven dish. Mix in the sauce and 50g of cheese, followed by the bacon and chorizo. Once all is mixed together, blitz up the slice of bread to make breadcrumbs, mix with the remaining 50g cheese, season and spread evenly on top.

Pop in the oven at 200c for 25-30 minutes, until golden.


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