Wednesday 27 May 2015

Healthy Chocolate Orange Bliss Balls

These little healthy treats are perfect to pop into your lunchbox to have at work.

Ingredients (Makes 15 balls):
* 100g almonds
* 60g cashew nuts
* 25 dates
* 40g cocoa powder
* 1 tsp cinnamon
* 2 tbsp desiccated coconut
* Zest of 1 large orange
* 2 tbsp orange juice
* Pinch of sea salt


Pop the almonds and cashew nuts into a food processor and pulse until the nuts are broken down into very small pieces. Remove the nuts and put them in a bowl.

Add the dates to the food processor and pulse 5 times until slightly broken down. Then add the cocoa powder, cinnamon, coconut, sea salt, orange zest and juice to the dates and whizz up until the mixture becomes one big sticky ball.

Add the ball of date mixture to the bowl of nuts and knead together until fully combined (this can take a while so be patient!) Once the mixture is combined, take a tablespoon of the mix and mould into balls using clean hands. Once all the mixture has been moulded into balls, place in the fridge for 30 minutes to set.


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