Wednesday 27 May 2015

Easy Pulled Pork

Ingredients (serves 2):
* 2 handfuls of left over pork
* two garlic cloves
* smoked paprika
* BBQ sauce
* water


Throw your pork into a frying pan without any oil, there is already plenty of fat on the pork to cook with. Leave on a low heat for the pork to slowly break apart.

Throw in two crushed garlic cloves to extra flavour and stir through. Break apart more pork if you can, whilst pouring over a small glass of water to add in extra moisture to the pork. Leave to simmer down for a few minutes.

Once the water has soaked up into the pork, add in your paprika and BBQ sauce and be generous. This means more flavour!

And in a spot of water if needed, then leave to simmer down further. Keep an eye on it all, you don't want the pork sticking to the pan and burning.

Serve up from the pan, and slap on a dash of BBQ sauce on top.

#TaDah !

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