Wednesday 27 May 2015

Mega Brunch Wrap

Matthew wanted to make up a new brunch wrap for the weekend's, so he smashed together this amazing idea!

Ingredients (Makes 2 wraps):
* 1 sweet potato
* 4 eggs
* Chorizo
* 25g cheese
* Wholemeal wraps
* Vegetable oil

Preheat the oven to 200c. To make the sweet potato hash browns, peel the sweet potato and cut into chunks, and pop it through the food processor on grating mode. Combine the grated sweet potato with an egg. Use (clean!) hands to make sure the egg and sweet potato are equally combined.

Pop some vegetable oil (enough to shallow fry) into a frying pan. Mould your sweet potato/egg mixture into two round patties and add to the frying pan once the oil is hot. Leave to fry for a few minutes, then flip over to cook once the underside is golden. Once the hash browns have been cooked for a few minutes each side, pop in an oiled baking tray and oven bake for 10-15 minutes.

To make the omelette, crack three eggs into a bowl and whisk together. Oil a frying pan and add the egg mixture to the pan until cooked through. While the omelette is still on the heat, add the cheese to the middle and fold over so it melts.

Cut a thumb's length of chorizo for each person and slice in half down the middle. Fry this for around 5 minutes, turning over to ensure it's cooked on both sides.

Once the hash browns, omelette and chorizo is ready, whack it all in a wrap, add some sauce and enjoy!


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