Wednesday 27 May 2015

Easy Pizza

Ingredients (serves 2 if not greedy):

* pizza sauce (
* prosciutto
* mozzarella
* rocket
* red onion
* black pepper

* 1 tbsp mayonnaise
* 1 tsp dijon mustard
* splash of white wine vinegar
* 1 tsp dill
* 1 tsp chives
* pinch of sugar
* splash of water


Preheat your grill to 150c

Spread over your pizza sauce ( onto the tortilla wrap, and pop some mozzarella on top.

Slice half the red onion and gently fry until softened. Sprinkle over the pizza with the mozzarella, finish with a seasoning of black pepper. Whack under the grill and raise the temperature up to 250c

For the dressing, simply throw all the ingredients into a glass/container, finish with the splash of water and sugar to taste, and then mix well.

Remove the pizza from the grill once the mozzarella has melted and the tortilla wrap is crispy around the edges with a hardened underside.

Add the prosciutto and rocket to the pizza (or whatever toppings you'd prefer! Black olives are a good extra topping on this pizza!)

Finish with the dressing.

#TaDah !

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