Wednesday 27 May 2015

Egg Fried Cauliflower 'Rice'

Ingredients (serves 2):
* Medium cauliflower
* 1 white onion
* 2 x cloves of garlic
* medium egg
* 1 tsp coriander
* 4 spring onions
* 2 tbsp dark soy sauce
* vegetable oil
* salt


Heat some oil in the wok, and then throw in two crushed garlic cloves. Fry for around 1 minute, then dice up the onion and throw into the mix. Brown off together with the garlic. Roughly chop the cauliflower, then blitz into a blender, into rice like chunks.

Add the cauliflower to the garlic and onion mix, and stir through and season with salt. Make a little well in the middle, and add in one whisked egg. Mix into a slight scramble, and then combine with the whole batch of cauliflower.

Cover with 2tbsp dark soy sauce, or more if you like it salty. Add half of your spring onions, with a tsp of coriander and mix well. Serve with a final sprinkle of spring onions.


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